Sunday 18 August 2013

5 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Blood Pressure without Medication

Blood pressure itself is quite straight forward. Split into two categories, (systolic and diastolic), the systolic number measures the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats and the diastolic number measures the pressure in the arteries between heartbeats when the heat muscle is resting. According to the American Heart Association, the ‘normal’ reading should be 120/80 however a high proportion of adults suffer from elevated blood pressure, otherwise known as hypertension. While not an immediate emergency, the list of heath complications affiliated with hypertension are lengthy, including artery damage and narrowing, kidney failure, stroke, eye damage, aneurysms and heart failure.
Fortunately there are a number of thing you can do (without resorting to medication) to reduce your blood pressure, just by making some changes to your lifestyle. Here to 5 guide to lowering blood pressure.

Regular Exercise

Give that you’re reading this article, I will image that you are familiar with a pair of trainers/gym, however ensuring a regular attendance of later or at least engaging in some variety of exercise is extremely important to maintaining a regular blood pressure. It is estimated that between 20 minutes to an hour of light exercise at least four days a week can lower your blood pressure by 4 to 9 millimeters of Mercury. Consult your doctor before attempting any strenuous exercise, particularly if you’ve been on a ‘physical holiday’.
2. Lose Extra Pounds
I suppose this list is a bit of a vicious cycle as each to the next. That being said, the next on our list is weight loss. According to the research the lower weight you lose, the lower your blood pressure will become. Typically those who carry more weight around their waistline are more likely to suffer from hypertension, therefore keep an eye on it. Men with a waist measurement in excess of 40 inches are considered to be ‘at risk’.

Cut Down on alcohol

For once I’m not going to tell you not drink. In fact studies have shown that in small doses, alcohol can potentially lower your blood pressure by up to 4 mm/Hg. That being said, any more that two alcoholic measures per day for a man under the age of (one measure for those over), and the effect is significantly reversed. If you drink consistently more than this amount, consult a doctor before going cold turkey as a sudden cessation can cause blood pressure to spike.

Reducing sodium

For those of you thinking this point should be addressed under point three, think again. The reality is that sodium has such a considerable effect on your blood pressure that it deserves its own subcategory. The daily maximum limit for a man is approximately 2300 milligrams although 1500 mg is more accurate for most people. Even a small reduction in your current levels of sodium intake can reduce your blood pressure by up to 8 mm/Hg. Simple ways to reduce your sodium intake include not adding salt; avoiding processed foods and reading the labels of any product you buy on a regular basis to check for sodium content.

Control your Diet

I’m sure we’re all familiar with cheat days and those other days where you just can’t be bothered to cook, however the next time you pick up the phone to order, make sure you remember to avoid saturated fats, your body will thank you in later life. It is estimated that sticking to the DASH diet, (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), that by eating whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy, you can reduce your blood pressure by up to 14 mm/Hg.


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