The daily loss of hair from the scalp, on an average, is between fifty to one hundred hairs. When the loss of hair exceeds one hundred, this would mean that the production of hair is less or in other words, the hair loss exceeds replacement. This is sign of an approaching baldness. According to one estimate, if the hair loss is plus one hundred every day in autumn and spring, this is not a matter of worry. The weather and light have impact on hair during this season. Some people, both males and females lose plenty of hair after a cycle of six or seven years. Their hair loss is for about three or four months and then the hair-grow as normal.
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Hair Falling, Causes and Treatment with Homemade Remedies |
Some General Causes of Hair Falling.
1. The heredity:
A great lot depends on the genes, we inherit for hair growth like thick, fine, straight, curly, wavy or sparse.
2. Age:
Usually hair losing develop after 30 years.
3. Hormones:
The imbalance of hormones as in thyroid disorders, diabetes, pregnancy, contraception by use of birth control pills and menopause.
4. Infection disease:
Some infectious diseases and prolonged illness, (bacterial, viral or fungal infections, internal diseases, high fever, influenza, pneumonia or typhoid).
5. Mental state:
Mental or nervous disorders, worries, tensions.
6. Blood supply:
Poor blood flow to the scalp due to excessive worries or other disease.
7. Nutrients:
Insufficient nutrients in the blood.
8. Excretory products :
Poor drainage of west products through the lymphatic systems.
9. Medicines and toxic substance:
Chemical therapies, taking of cortisone for acne, or acutance, an anti-acne medications derived from vitamin A, calcium blocker for controlling high blood pressure, cholesterol lowering drugs or drugs for treating scars and medicines for cancer.
10. Injuries and Accidents:
Th injuries and accidents involving the scalp including pulling of hair pulling of hair too much in styling the hair ponytail or pigtail. the prolonged pulling creates a pressure on the roots and the hair fall at particular sports of pull.
11. Radiation:
Exposure to chemotherapy, radiation, etc.
12. Menopause:
Menopause is a condition when there is imbalance of hormones and ageing starts. the production of female hormone, estrogen, starts slow working and hence the hair fall.
13. Pregnancy:
During pregnancy, the hair growth increase due to active and increase endocrine glands functioning to meet extra demand. after the childbirth, there is irregular thyroid functioning and new life style for the mother. this hair loss for is about two months and the growth become normal after that.
Homemade Treatment for hair Losing
There are some homemade remedies for hair falling, if you use regularly you can stop hair losing in short time. This treatments also safe and effective and have no side effects as compere to allopathic treatment. So try the following six tips.
- Take one litter water and add two teaspoon of vinegar. Wash your hairs with this then dry your hair gently. Now mix one teaspoon vinegar with one teaspoon water, this mixture apple on your hair it very helpful hair falling.
- Coconut oil is best thing for hair falling. Regular use of coconut oil on hair, it will protect you from hair falling and also make hairs long and shiny.
- This is third tips for hair losing, take beet leafs grinded and Mehndi make soft mixture this with adding water. Apply on hair this best for hair losing and also for hair growth.
- Eat cucumber with regularly, it also helps to avoid falling hair. Because, it's rich from sulfur and silica this two component very necessary for hair and nail normal growth.
- Curd also good remedy for hair falling problem. Wash hair with crud and leave for 30 minutes. Now wash hair without using any kind shampoo or soap. Curd is also good cleaner and conditioner for hair when make a mixture with ten pieces of black pepper. Apply this mixture on hair and leaves for 20 minutes. Now wash hair without using shampoo or soap it make soft and shiny.
- Cabbage also helps to stop hair falling. Soak about 60 to 70 grams in warm and salty water for one day and wash hair on it and also eat raw cabbage before meals for some days regularly. It prevents hair from losing and also helps in the new hair growth.
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