Monday 23 February 2015

Plain and Simple Brussels Sprouts Recipe

Plain and Simple Brussels Sprouts Recipe
Brussels Sprouts Recipe

Brussels Sprouts Recipe

Serves 4
700 g small Brussels sprout
Salt, freshly ground black pepper
30 ml melted butter
Lemon juice

Preparation method

1. Cut a slice from the base Brussels sprout and remove the tough outer leaves entirely. Nick small crosses in the base of each sprout. As this the thickest part of the sprout, it is also the slowest to cook. The crass lets in the hot water and helps the sprouts to cook evenly.
2. Soak the sprouts in cold water with a little salt for 15 minutes. Drain well.
3. Bring a large saucepan of salted water to the boil. Drop the sprouts into the boiling water and simmer, uncovered, for 5 minutes. Cover the pan and continue to cook for 2 – 10 minutes, depending on their age, until the sprouts are tender but still crisp.
4. Drain the sprouts well, then return them to the pan and season generously with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Add the melted butter and lemon juice to taste, and toss lightly. Transfer to a heated serving dish and serve immediately.

Preparation time

25 – 40 minutes,
Plus soaking 


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